This is my first post & I would like to get to know the person telling me about food going into my child, so let me introduce myself.  My name is Allison, I am a fairly-young mother *22* and I had my first child, Elias, almost 5 months ago.  I'm a wanna-be hippie, but life happens sometimes & I don't get to have the perfect "natural" life for my child like I want --but I sure do try!  I had to be induced, I got an epidural, I ended up with a very much unwanted cesarean section, but my child is healthy now & that's all that matters.  I am still nursing, though I've had to supplement recently, & now I'm doing my best to build up my supply once again.  Now that we're getting to the solid food stage, I'm making my own baby food.  Maybe it's guilt for having to supplement, but it's more likely the fact I've been a "food snob" since like birth & if I'm going to eat healthy, so is my little man.

However, I think the thing that keeps me from being an all-out "hippie" is that I'm a realist. I know we all don't have the time --or the MONEY-- to roast vegetables for 12 hours or buy organic, pure Polynesian pineapples, Peruvian pomegranates, etc.  One of the biggest reasons I'm writing this blog is to supply real mothers with real recipes that are neither time-consuming or expensive to make.  I also plan on trying to appeal to palettes because we all know there is no nutrition if your kid won't eat it!  This is what I'm proposing:

  • unique, easy, nutritious foods that can be made cheaply.
  • a new recipe every 3 days since it is pediatrician-recommended that a child does not change foods more than every 3 days so if there is a reaction to any new food you can know which food to avoid. (it's to check for allergies, dig?)
  • provide recipes for different stages
  • promote a positive, supportive page for mothers out there who don't think it's crazy to make their own food!

So don't listen to your mother, your friends, your husband if they think you're nuts for making your child's baby food.  It makes you feel better as a parent, it makes your child feel better, & by introducing great, fresh food to your child's diet early on can substantially prevent obesity & promote an atmosphere of trying new things :)


-Alli, Elias's mommy